January 02, 2009

Heading to the magic 100

As I stepped on the scales couple of days ago, I couldn't believe eyes, seeing the number 96,5 kg - beating my previous record by 6kg. It's not like I hadn't observed the changes in my frame - less muscles - more fat, but I didn't expect anything that extreme - since the September it's 7kg up and I guess - counting. Likely it's a consequence of halting the most of my physic activities and exercising when going to aussie, but on the other hand it could be a part of something bigger - like a steady change of the body structure aka maturization - smthn like growing of the body hair on the chest :D. So I may just need to build up on that, since the 90 mark is already outshone by far, now just working it the right way. No it's not that the most popular new years resolution to start to exercise the new year - that was the plan ever since I went in a more passive mode.

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