January 28, 2009


  Just took a nap, and as it frequently happens in those 5 minute naps, you experience some dense dream - not the one with a story line, but with some sort of intense action. The one that is close to throwing you out of the bed once you awake. Like just now - dreaming of running and eating some meaty stuff from folly in a wind and apparently being quite drunk, as I started to spin in an accelerating pace and the tearing off particles of folly were falling off and flying around. My reality check woke me up before eventually I was about to hit the ground. Before that I managed to get concerned about the garbaging the environment with the uncontrollable folly scatters. Yeah think green :)!
  Ok actually the story isn't about that. I was just pondering where is that fine line between the observations of your ˈconsciousness and subˈconsciousness and ultimately - whether our brain realizes when does that switch happens - does the picture always match the sound? Can we for sure say that at no point our subˈconsciousness doesn't take a driver seat when we are awake? It's no wonder that many people claim seeing or hearing things when being tired, exhausted, or in some unrest mental state - their subconsciousness just takes the lead as the ˈconsciousness can't take the load no more.

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