November 29, 2009

Not quite a complement of the compliment

People only complain about the things they like. Otherwise they wouldn't care.

November 26, 2009

I felt stupid

Good luck in getting this out of your head ;).

November 25, 2009

Great players have a short memory.

November 21, 2009


Das Leben ist einfach und kostenlos

November 19, 2009

A forest

More forest here
Here's the song (do await that guitar solo):

November 18, 2009

Ok, ok here's another one

Just couldn't resist - a rare chance to check out the military supermight of Latvian army combined with a nice panorama. Taken from

Latvijai 91

So let this nice rubbish bin be a symbolic greeting to Latvia on its 91st birthday ;)!

P.S. The 2nd line is in Livonian. To complete the list of minority languages in Latvia there should be as well:
Спасибо, Paļdis, Дзякуй, dziękuję and of course ačiū ;)!

November 17, 2009

Blame it on finnish radio

From one side it would be good that Estonia gets euro in 13 months, while Latvia can't even dream about it - we won't have to go far to find ourselves almost in Western civiliziation.

November 15, 2009

I wish

I wanna embody stupid's happiness - be stupid and happy. Or maybe happiness is too much to bear. Especially for a polar bear.

November 12, 2009

The more I ignore them, the closer they get. I'm waisting my time - gotta buy uzi or smthn.

November 11, 2009

The more I'm sleeping, the more tired I get. I'm waisting my time.

November 10, 2009


I received a nice postcard from my parents and some sweets on my nameday. It appears that in Latvia there are 13'400 persons with name Mārtiņš, which is more than 1% of all men and around 2% of Latvians. But as much I've seen that for the guys who were born in '85 - '87 the percentage could be even more than 10% because in my class at school I had 4 other classmates called Mārtiņš and in the other places I meet people my age there's a fairly good chance that the other guy's name is Mārtiņš as well. Though I'm not sure whether this sudden increase in popularity of this traditionally Latvian name was related to national revival or just some random sparkle of poupularity.
I know I know - the blue sky is not for me, and neither that road covered by the roses.

November 09, 2009

justification needed

Even the worst democracy in the world is better than the best dictatorship. Interesting claim. Can you prove this by induction?

November 06, 2009

Though neither sound, nor complete

Only 5 letters part each man from being a superman

November 03, 2009


Life: "Miss you, see you soon!"
Me: "Yeah? Great! When?"

November 02, 2009

"You know, go to youtube and type.."

never happened. i mean that typing stuff. golden advice. nevertheless.

November 01, 2009


It's when you have too much personality for just one person.