August 30, 2008

Something all over again

I know that you'll be fine, now that you're not on my mind

An occasion

Ok, so what is like? Life without any feedback?

August 29, 2008

Empty words will light my path.

Kinda math

Everything costs as much as your willingness to repeat it or someone else's efforts to reverse it

On frienship

You are as much friend as you're willing to be/capable of being one. The latter one tends to be more of a challange.


Anyone else to plan my day?

August 26, 2008

August 24, 2008

I've always wondered what's under the dog

On lucky guesses

How do you explain lack of interest? Emm... hmm... Maybe with the lack of interererest?

August 23, 2008

The matter of doing something

I'd pick being mediocrity rather than being nothing

August 22, 2008

Yeah, smooth in the face!

When you think the trick's happening it's already been done


I buy smiles

August 21, 2008

The matter of attraction

There is nothing sexier than short cotton socks + sneakers.
I think, I'll be somewhat dead, when I'll had killed my willingness to be cinic
Time pushes my age

August 18, 2008

While looking for an accomodation...


Lonely, seeking flatmate/girlfriend. $0 accommodation in exch. for relationship.
Clicca qui

August 17, 2008

Applying frank tactics

As Šaras says: "If it's strange, then fold."

August 16, 2008


They give in on things they seek every chance to show despise for - maybe it's somewhat protest of one's own disability to resist.

August 14, 2008


I just realized that I never talk about the things I am concerned the most - 4th, 5th and some out of top 10 usually are my red hot favorites, if I talk at all, of course. Words don't help - they just make things worse? Ok, some paraphrased cheeseable rhyme - but you just don't want to pick the wrong words and wrong talkmates. You just want to make it right on the essential issues - unfortunately it's a skill one needs to practice on - frustration is inevitable.

August 12, 2008


There are too many "great", "nice", "pleasant" people. That's why we stick with the nasty ones.

August 10, 2008

Ķemeru purvs

Last weekend I with my family went to a place where time had stopped a while ago and a clumsy step may result in an instant sink in some bottomless moss stuff - yeah it's a swamp. Nowadays a recently made wooden path is a strong argument to comfort your curiosity. Earlier the only visitors were the ones seeking for the cranberries, but they really had to know the path there, since it's considered to be one of the most dangerous swamp in Latvia to wander in.

Some swampy mirrors:

This one with a lonely tree on an island.

Some cranberries. They were all around there - still raw though...

... but that didn't stop me from eating them all the way :)

Another mirror

A neat panorama from a small tower there.

The rest 7 pics

P.S. This post has nothing to do with this.

August 09, 2008


Some things you just have to say to realize that you shouldn't have...
Practice makes awesome? Ok, it might as well be the case.

August 08, 2008

Zvērā 2008

Recently I was at a somewhat alternative music fest Zvērā. Not so much stuff from stages and crowd since they weren't the matter of interest of a person who took those :).

Everhungry me...

Everhungry me...

Everhungry me...

Ever4handed me...

Ever-fountain-like me

They say that the same scene at the same turn there was a year ago and I have no reason not to believe in them, since everyone around was deadly drunk (except me :) - in sober conditions you wouldn't slide into a ditch at a speed of max 20 km/h :).

August 05, 2008

Loneliness is conducted by fear

August 03, 2008

Been missing for a while

Missing out on presence, missing out on life?

August 02, 2008

Parlez-vous le francais?

Hilarious, french had deserved to eat smthn like this already a long time ago :). And these profound conversations...

Gambling, stumbling

It's totally conceited to treat other people as options.


Being in company with someone with a corny sense of humor is even more irritating than hearing the same news broadcast for the n-th time (at least you can turn it off).

August 01, 2008

The best failure

I may fail, but if I know that I have really put my best effort to succeed then the failure doesn't bug me at all - I even feel somewhat content and pleased that I've succeeded to take my best shot, but simply there are just some things that you can't affect or you're just not good enough for them.