January 06, 2009

3 the most common parrots in Canberra

As I've mentioned for multiple times, the first thing that you notice there in Australia in environment around you is the amount of the wildlife around you - in particular - birds. Of course there are many more, but those are the ones you're likely to run into every single day, not trying much. The most common bird is megpie - a vicious, raven sized bird that attacks the pedestrians and cyclists in order to protect their children in the nest, here's the warning. And taking pictures of megpies would be like taking pictures of pigeons - so I have none :).
Parrots tend to hang around the driveways and green zones in city's suburbs. This one is cool cos they are all with heads and hair up.

Those ones are at my house where I lived in - the most regular guests at the surroundings.

Those are the largest parrots in Australia - about at the size of a chicken - the Latvians I met in Sydney said that they do the most of the damage when their lemons are coming to ripe - just bite in all of them and throw them to the ground.

And here are some of the other birds and bugs I ran into when having the camera with me.

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