March 31, 2009

Spring in Wien!

Der Hundredwasseraufsprung

Der Hundredwasserabsprung

Das Riesenradsanstand

March 28, 2009

And how do you go about this?

Some things that are making their own way to you don't want to get found, in fact - they don't even want to get in your reach. They just want to see your approach to them.

March 26, 2009

You gotta love those yankees

  "One of my favorite stories was over the spring time we met [Knicks rookie] Danilo Gallinari, who speaks Italian and he was speaking Italian at the dinner table. Derrick was just kind of watching and he was like, 'Man, that was pretty cool, he can speak another language.' So he asked if we could help him learn how to speak Spanish, like get him a self-taught book for dummies or one of those things that you buy in the bookstore because he wanted to learn, he wanted to be in on conversations. That's him. He always wants to figure things out."
  No wonder they have in a use a term "bilingual person" - the one who can communicate in 2 languages.

March 24, 2009

The brainbreakers

  Ever tried to take a blur picture of a book page and then read it on PC afterwards? Well, I did. And it didn't even take a half page of reading for the brain to start twisting and the mild headache to come across. Like a PC with a wrong video card driver that still shows up the right picture, but takes much more resources from the hard drive such that the ventilator spins like hell. OK a sloppy one, but curious cos it's the case with my PC - it's like an airplane at times :). Anyway the story is about crowding your brain with data which takes too much resources to process. And actually the funniest thing was then when I was reading not thinking about what I see, I read as fast as I would do it while reading a clearly readable text - so to make that little magic happen the processor apparently starts to consume too much of the brain resources :).
  Actually there was a scientist who experimented with the glasses. Namely, he made glasses out of such lances, so that they display the world upside down and after 2 weeks his brain adjusted and he saw the picture the right direction. Yeah, though after taking off the glasses, it took about the same time for his brain to turn all the stuff upside down again.
  A similar thing happened just today, the professor in the lecture was talking about an array p making several examples with it while consistently at all times writing on a blackboard b. So I started write down p while he was talking and after several instances I realized that he writes down all the time b, not the p that he is spelling while misspelling the b. So at times I when I listened and wrote - I wrote down p and when i copied from the blackboard I wrote half the times b, half p. And some light brain-distress appeared again as it was percepting one thing, but had to do an unconventional another one - wasting too much resources on a previously well-shaped routine.
  In fact the headache is just a signal that something is wrong, while we may not feel it or we're not sure about it - it's like a little indicator lamp in the car, which shows that the engine is too hot or the oil level is crucial, while the car is still rolling. Of course getting rid of the signal is the easiest way to relieve ourselves from being bothered, but then we loose the join that leads us to the source of the problem, before it makes the whole system to blow up.

March 22, 2009

take only what you need from it

Format your hard drive, and then even observing as the toilet paper rolls across the floor, will bring you so much joy.

March 19, 2009

Perpendicular panorama

As Andrejs called this picture one of the best panoramic pics of Riga, he has ever seen, I felt like having very little options not to repost it eventually here :). In particular because of the unusual perspective. And it's been too much of blahs already. Once again it's taken from the gripping daily pic blog of Riga.

March 18, 2009


It's funny how we write off such initially promising perspectives, just because of having too much time to think about them.

March 16, 2009

What else can I say?

A: "What are you going to do with your sandwich?"
B: "Sit on it!"

March 15, 2009


Finally, you return home to your room one day and all the toys and puppets, scattered all across the floor, lay still there just as you left them.

March 13, 2009

So just let those teach, who don't have a judgment of their own.

Next step in geekination

I took a nap and dreamed about having a skype chat and the happenings in it.

March 11, 2009

Inhaling the rain

Vienna is better when wet. Seems like the rain completes it. The rain gives it splashes, sounds, new reflections and for the inhabitants - a chance to fulfill the purpose with which they've brought the umbrella with them. Even the steep roof at the opposite side of the street twinkles in a bliss of its regained glow. And I can't await to take my umbrella and go for a 30 min walk to my university to the exam of Nonmonotonic reasoning!

March 10, 2009

So it's just take it or not

Frankly, everything you're allowed to lift up is yours.

March 09, 2009

Ain't funny

Actually there's no better way how to instantly stress me out than just by saying: "Tell me something interesting!"

March 08, 2009

Rocco's pearl

How do you avoid an Estonian bullet?
Just step aside!

March 04, 2009



Funny, that I'm always happy to greet the most annoying person around. The delight is usually halted by around the third sentence uttered by him. And I'm looking forward to be delighted to meet him again. Strange.

March 02, 2009

golden advice takes golden ears

Hungarian ticket controller

That little rebel completely freaked me out

March 01, 2009


Everything's better with a price on it.


When you first get to like a girl without any make-up, from then on make-up won't convince you even more about it - rather opposite.