July 31, 2009

no good

The time is ticking out, but seems like every sack I've every carried has been one-time-use only.

July 28, 2009

Hedgehog at my backyard

It's no rarity to run into a hedgehog if you hang around a bit in a country side or just in some park in Latvia - like spotting a possum in Australia, squirrel in Vienna or bats in Bolzano. Anyway at each time you get excited all over new, even though it's just a... just a hedgehog :).
Here it is at our garage's door.

Another angle :)

And us 2 :)

Even scarier than that shut-the-....-up thing

Whip your lip!

July 24, 2009

The Giant Pandas at Schonbrunn Tiergarten

Schonbrunn Tiergarten is one of the few Zoos in Europe where there are Giant Pandas, so paying 14 euros to see them seems quite a bearable price (or maybe pandable khem khem). Anyway you can't postpone checking them out forever so at one of my last days in Vienna I saw Giant Pandas for the first time in my life. Even though it wasn't as amusing as watching koalas in Sydney (those in Vienna were asleep :/), it's still arguably the main reason to visit the zoo at all, especially when you know that the zoo has to pay a loan of 1M dollars a year for each Panda to the Chinese government.

A lazy panda

The only panda at TU Wien at last met another one of her kind

We got lucky enough to be on time when they get fed with bamboos

And here's a video ;)

And here's the whole stuff from the Zoo ;)

July 20, 2009

Belvedere under the weather

Here it is - one of the finest parks in Vienna. Well, at least imao. The day I visited it at last, I should have been under the weather - literally - but somehow it gave that awkward emptiness of all those tourists and a great, dense background.

And a semi-panoramic view from to the city

I found an appropriately-sized bush

July 19, 2009

jūra rūja

As I was standing there on my fingertips in the middle of the sea, with a light salty water swilling my chin and gazing at the coast line from one somewhat a horn to another one, it was about the moment to make some refinements to that shallow stuff we're milling on daily basis in order to convert it into some custom shallowness like - life's a beautiful bitch and then you die. And that's that - how else you could contrast your overall unwillingness to ease the overwhelming load of urgent issues versus a wild, sandy biatch at the coast of Baltic sea on a hot, sunny summer day with only some scattered patches of people as far as the eye can reach.

P.S. Just the first picture while googling for Jūrkalne ;)

July 15, 2009

we'll see

Heck, is it possible to dispatch me with the same trick on yearly basis? I've seen the ruins so I rather not attend the attempt.

July 13, 2009

Outta my garage

I got nothing left to be. Do you have some plans for me?

On goodbyes again

And then again - sometimes there's no good way to say goodbye, especially if it's a virtual halt button.

July 07, 2009

If only our ideals could be our meals

July 03, 2009

Rooting back

Q: "Where do most of the geeks come from?"
A: "Geece!"

P.S. Crap, someone came about it before me, though no wonder.