October 31, 2008


One of the most wonderful feelings is having a piece of it while not cutting a slice.


It's curious, I feel like my "r" is rounding up.
truth_probability = 1 / excuse_count

October 30, 2008


Somehow all of that initial ease of communication eventually turns into annoyance, upset or unfulfilled expectations from one or either of the sides. So do we fail to work up on it right or we just stretch the truth from the very beginning, assigning too much of glorificational features to other person characteristics?

October 29, 2008

Cruelest code ever

void ExecWithIO::kill_child()
  if (running() > 0) {
   int status = kill(child_pid, SIGKILL);
   if (status < 0) {
    std::cerr << "error " << strerror(errno) << " (" << errno
    << ") killing " << child_pid << std::endl;

//Just received the code from my supervisor - it has to deal with piping or smthn, but essentialy this method just got me rofling for a while :).

October 28, 2008

Crap (a month too late)

Thanks a lot gov, but for me it took like a month of bureaucratic stuff plus the fees :/

October 24, 2008


"i AM staying positive... but im sick to my back teeth of all this german stuff! whoever invented electronics should have made sure that they wouldnt be taught in freakin german... its hard enough without all those 65 letter long words... ¬¬"
I hope that spanish erasmus girl doesn't mind me quoting her statement, I just found it so true and so amusing. In fact she was exaggerating on this - the longest verified german word in use consists only of 63 letters :) and is Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenüber- tragungsgesetz.
Actually I love to make those up, just because they are all valid whenever they are grammatically correct, but they are complete tongue-twisters when it comes to spelling.

October 22, 2008

Something sweet or something strong

Used to humm it for 24-7 and still it tends to get there on my tape all over again.

October 18, 2008


Living is like drawing a picture while sitting on it. You see the colors, take the brush, paint, but never see the whole picture. You have some idea what are you doing and what are purposes of your actions, but the others see it better. Always :D!

October 16, 2008

exponential blow-up

We may argue about the ways some persons may express themselves. But as much as I've learned the cynic ones more often appear to be the fairest ones towards themselves and others - as long as the cynicism doesn't become a default for every thing that comes across. While being cynic people just mostly shield off some things that others may pretend to find acceptable - for those others it's fine until the last straw - when their acceptance strikes against themselves. So the issue is to be unrest or unbearable for a while or to be nice until getting yourself completely pissed off and explode internally or externally.

October 15, 2008

aussie for dummies

They tend to write much of a stuff on warning and road signs, often - too much of a stuff. Like on every "give way" sign making it explicit. And whatever you did on the road you shall do with a particular care.

There are some vicious birds and serious flooding threats:

And this one is just hilarious:

And these are some birds at my house's driveway (it's a vid btw :), they're quite active now. It's spring, you know...
No Canberra park
If any interest what else I saw in my ride around the park - spausk chia. Any of my other recent aussie amusements I tend to post here.

On kiddin'

I called a girl a kid and it got so much better ever since.
Once a girl called me a kid and only after a year or so I realized what she wanted to say and what she meant. She was completely right. I mean it's rarely the case when other people make some quality statements about you, and once they do you just mispercept, because you presume that they never get it right.

October 12, 2008

The same stuff

After several different occasions I'm convinced that taking on challenging commitments in order to force yourself to improve your work ethics is a wrong approach. But the opposite works even worse - you just can't motivate yourself for things that look graspable at the very beginning. Been there, done that.

October 09, 2008

wishful sinking

And the desire shall drive you

October 06, 2008

The sincerest compliment

I hope that you taste as well as you look

October 01, 2008


I'm not trying to be funny here. I mean I'm not trying.


Yesterday I learned, that sometimes you just have to appear to get someone freaked out.