November 24, 2008

Roo meal

Good for you - good for environment - no matter how ridiculous at the first moment it might seem while considering eating kangaroos, though having another look their arguments seem quite fair - kangaroos are part of natural fauna here; less grass is consumed to get 1 kg of meat as their organism processes the flora of natural habitat more effectively than the other domestic animals brought here do; as well they don't have such greenhouse gas emissions (or whatever that was); and it's 98% fat free (in aussie they write the fat all the time from the other end - not "only 2% fat" but rather "98% fat free"). Of course they keep and raise them in farms not hunt in the wild :).
I had to try sausages "Kanga Banga" as well :).

Input ----------------------> Output

The taste is like something between beef and goose - quite pleasant and enjoyable.

1 comment:

beachgirl said...

Glad you got to try and enjoyed it :)

Which reminds me, I haven't had roo meat for a really long time. Must get some next time I go shopping...