October 24, 2008


"i AM staying positive... but im sick to my back teeth of all this german stuff! whoever invented electronics should have made sure that they wouldnt be taught in freakin german... its hard enough without all those 65 letter long words... ¬¬"
I hope that spanish erasmus girl doesn't mind me quoting her statement, I just found it so true and so amusing. In fact she was exaggerating on this - the longest verified german word in use consists only of 63 letters :) and is Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenüber- tragungsgesetz.
Actually I love to make those up, just because they are all valid whenever they are grammatically correct, but they are complete tongue-twisters when it comes to spelling.


vienuolika said...

i dont understand what you mean, maybe wanna rephrase it in german? ;)

Žāūčō said...

Ich nehme an, dass die eine retorishce Frage ware :).